
Lexus sat astride the Drone uncomfortably. Certainly the height of the Low-Birthed afforded greater visibility than the customary gait of a Walker, but walking did not evoke a distaste of extremely hairy shoulders. She looked back from the direction she had come and saw in the distance the crown of the Majestic Centre gradually disappearing beneath the horizon, the spray of the Waters of Life obscuring the city as they fell from the edge of the plateau. She remembered the waters cascading past the Centre and sighed, before returning her focus to needing to direct the lumbering beast forward.

Without glancing down at the head and neck of the Drone (lest she have an involuntary reaction to the creature and offend its extremely limited sensibilities), she cast her vision to the distance and pressured its back, inducing motion. It coughed, drew breath, stood, and lurched forward. Despite initial alarm at the realisation she had been directed from within the Transept itself to mount a Drone, and the subsequent shock of the brutes odour, Lexus had quickly become accustomed to the rocking, swaying motion as it walked, and even found time on occasion to sleep.

The Transept. All Walkers were familiar with The higher levels of the Accord, but direct contact with either the Watchers or the Wane was known to be extremely rare. Certainly many of the Castes were used to the experience of a High-Birthed sharing the experiences of one of their order, but to be spoken to was considered to be akin to gaining the favour of even a Cherubim.

As she looked out onto the Commons from her saddle atop the Drone Lexus could feel the individuals of the Transept drawing on her vision, listening to her hearing as though her senses were theirs. It was not an uncomfortable sensation, but rather the opposite. The knowledge of the weight of the Transept's interested individuals bathing in her experience provided certainty that despite the ever-growing distance from her Adjunct and home she would be safe. She wondered if her obedience to the Transept would be rewarded, perhaps with a glimpse of the high Accord's mysteries, a glimmer of the ancient knowledge the High-Birthed held? She smiled.

She dismissed the thought. How improper she realised, for a Walker to aspire to be more than a tender to the needs of the Commons. She reached up and drew her long hair back into a tight handful, and tied it there out of her face, adjusted her robes to better protect herself from the bright light, and returned her thoughts to the matter at hand. She must make good time, to be in the Lesser Centre within three days, lest she raise the ire of her High-Birthed sponsor.

She goaded the Drone forward with greater pressure in its back.


As dawn's light slithered between the branches of the canopy Ghed began to stir. He sat up and gradually opened his eyes, taking in the deepening greys and greens of the undergrowth. He stretched and stood, shaking detritus off his robes before turning to see if Laughing Boy continued to sleep.

The initial rush of blood that accompanied the realisation that Laughing Boy was nowhere within sight calmed when his voice appeared.


Yes? Are you safe?

Yes Aspirant. The Mullah arrived before dawn and lead me back to the body of the Walker. You slept heavily and were in no danger. It was decided to leave you.

Ghed rubbed the sleep from his eyes and walked towards a tree to urinate.



Have you noticed the return of the Jacobite?

There in his vision was a transparent blue square, barely visible in the partial light of the morning. Once noticed it pulsed a dull grey, the flashed a repeat of the yesterdays action, the killing of the Startler.

We will discuss its absence shortly. Join us back at the body when you are ready.

Ghed urinated, drank from the river, washed himself briefly, and set out over the short distance to the scene. The Jacobite picted images excitedly, the bird they had heard the night before, the Feeder's protestations, Laughing Boy moving with untold grace through the air, his blade bearing downwards.

Pushing through the dense undergrowth to reach the scene Ghed stopped, shocked. Immediately before him was the largest being he had ever seen. It resembed the feeder but was immensely taller. As he appeared it turned towards him lazily with small, squinting eyes in a huge bulbous head. It's arms hung very low, and upon its back was a harness or seat of some kind. The Jacobite fell quiet again, returning to the transparent blue of the dawn.

This is a drone Aspirant.

Ghed looked beyond and to the left of the creature looming over him and say Laughing Boy kneeling on the ground. Behind him was Lexus and the Startler, now beginning to attract a number of flies, but before him was another new creature. It stood perhaps a head shorter than he and wore golden, ornate robes slung from hunched shoulders. Its skin was withered and grey, the pallor not unlike the two dead he faced. It turned to look at him and spoke.

There you are my charge. How is this fallen one treating you?

He means me Aspirant.

Quiet monk! Would you have me cast you lower in the Accord than your present station?

No, sacred one.

Your obeisance will remain while you serve this Walker's adjunct. Is that clear, monk?

Yes, sacred one.

Ghed stood still, confused.

Are you the Mullah?

Yes Walker, I am a Mullah. There are many Mullah in this Commons.

Laughing Boy said that too.

Yes, it is good that this monk should teach you, as he was charged. In time you will have little need for him.

The Mullah looked back towards Laughing Boy.

Come Walker, stand beside me.

Ghed approached apprehensively, and stood next to the Mullah before his companion.

Walker, are you ready to try this monk for his crimes against the Accord?


In the gathering gloom the Walkers proceeded a short distance upriver and made camp. Laughing Boy assured Ghed that the deceased could suffer no worse defilement than had already occurred, and the two soon sat with the artificial light acquired from Lexus between them.

Keep a few of these foodcubes in the carry-all pockets of your robes Aspirant. They last for a considerable time, and are very nutritious always.

Ghed accepted the foodcubes and thanked him before beginning to eat.

When will the Mullah arrive?

I do not know Aspirant. It is highly likely that the Mullah who vested you in this Adjunct at the waystation was not distant when the Startler struck.

What are they like?

They differ. Some tend the Accord only, and are exceedingly humble. Other are more akin to warriors and are fearsome. I did not see the Mullah who attended you, so cannot say. It did not communicate with me, nor did it share its vision.

Do you love the Mullah? They told me I would.

This is a strange question Aspirant. You should know that the relation between Watchers and the Mullah is... more complicated than that they share with Walkers. Many Mullah do not fully comprehend the greater dimension of the Accord, which ensures their caste remains lower in status and privilege.

There is much to learn about the Accord.

Indeed Aspirant, indeed. The mysteries are indeed vast.

Haven eaten, Ghed pulled his robes closer around him and lay on the soft earth.

But do you love the Mullah Laughing Boy?

I do not.

Laughing Boy switched off the light before himself preparing to sleep. The sounds of the night settled around them, a comforting buffer against the horror of the day.

I have a question for you Aspirant.


Yes. Aspirant, where was the Jacobite during our charge over the Commons to where Lexus lies?

The question startled Ghed a little, and he sat up to try remembering the last time he had seen the Jacobite.

I don't know... was it under the tree, with the Fan Tail?

Yes, I believe so. And tell me Aspirant, do you hear that noise?

Ghed listened carefully. Over the sound of the river and the rustle of the canopy he could here the pip and warble of a bird singing.

Is that the bird the Jacobite wanted to see?

Yes Aspirant, I believe it is.

It was some time before Ghed could sleep.


Ghed shifted his weight to his other foot as the discomfort of crouching so near to the corpse increased. Laughing Boy had instructed him to to take a very close look at the tangle of bodies, and he now followed Laughing Boy's hands as they searched the victim for information. He glanced up to see if the Feeder still stood guard around them.

Return your vision to this place Aspirant

Laughing Boy was attempting to discover the contents of the victim's pockets. Ghed stood, stretched his legs a little, and moved to a better position for viewing. Laughing Boy withdrew several small items.

Foodcubes, an artificial light of a type I've never seen, electronic keys to a waystation. This Walker has been most unfortunate.

This is a Walker such as us?

Yes Aspirant. These items confirm the Accord's insistence this Walker was called Lexus. I am not familiar with members of this Adjunct.


Yes. Some Castes have Adjuncts that serve different tasks, or stations, or domains upon the Commons. This Walker's Adjunct is from a far domain to which I have yet to travel.

Why was she so far from her domain? Do Walkers usually travel long like that?

Sometimes Aspirant. This Walker is unusual though. She has travelled from the Majestic Centre independently, and without informing the Accord. It is quite peculiar.

Before Ghed could further question him Laughing Boy stood and walked to the river to wash his hands of blood.

Look closely he commanded, what do you see of the attacker?

Lexus had lain on her left side when they had approached, and the attacker had fallen onto her front in a crumpled heap as he died. Laughing Boy's blade has contacted the neck and severed it's throat, through the windpipe and nearly to the spine, which Ghed guessed to have been a preventative measure. The body had been pushed aside initially to allow a closer look at the bloodied mess of the Walker, but Ghed pulled it onto it's back and began to visually examine it.

Laughing Boy returned to collect his blade from where he had left it next to Lexus, and as he walked back to the river asked Ghed.

Do you see anything unusual Aspirant?

Ghed could see that the body was humanoid, but was hugely scarred in deep parallel grooves along the length of it's naked arms and legs. It was obviously male, and wore a simple shift that covered most of it's torso and hips. His hands were stained and heavily calloused on the palms, with the scars of the arms leading on the backs. The nails were obscured by small and apparently razor-sharp blades somehow grafted to the fingertips.

I have seen this before Aspirant. Do you notice anything about the killer's head?

Ghed moved position to look more closely at the cranium. He touched the side of is own head, and saw that where Ports should be the killer was naked, a rough set of stitching stretching the forehead skin taunt. He stood and backed away a little.

What is this thing?

They have many names Aspirant, though we will call then Startlers.


Yes. They exist in unknown numbers across the Commons, are violent and maddened. The Accord believes individuals such as this killer to be rare though. We are strangely fortunate to have seen one.

More fortunate than this Walker though.

Indeed. But continue your examination Aspirant, there may be more information on this body.

Ghed crouched again, put his hands under the Startler, and rolled it onto it's front. It's back also showed the scars of it's arms and legs.

The Accord assumes they do this to prove their vitality Aspirant. There are two forms of Startler, those natural to the Commons, and those such as this, who are stolen from a caste and isolated from the Accord. It is the latter who are most mad.

Ghed moved to take a closer look at the torso of the Startler, and glanced up to see Laughing Boy standing before the Feeder. The Feeder handed Laughing Boy what seemed to be a few foodcubes, and began to lumber back in the direction of the plains. Ghed returned to examining the Startler as Laughing Boy walked back towards the bodies.

Wait Aspirant. Return your vision to the Startler's nape. What do you see there? Look very closely.

Ghed leaned a little closer to the corpse to see through the relative gloom of the copse. In the nape of the neck was a small circle drawn into the skin. Surrounding the circle were more thin lines, curved and random, though forming a rough pattern of cross-hatching. Ghed heard Laughing Boy gasp.

What is it Laughing Boy?

Unfortunate Aspirant. It is unfortunate that we should find this.

Ghed stood and backed away from the corpses a little.

There is time to explain the significance of that mark Aspirant, but first we have two events. A Mullah comes, and more interesting, we have gained a Watcher.


In the time it took Ghed's eyes to adjust to the light beyond the tree's canopy Laughing Boy had already barked a series of orders.

Do not proceed too quickly to investigate. Allow me to place my hand on your shoulder and do not get too far ahead of me. Ensure you look both to the horizon for danger, and to the ground for hazards, lest we both fall.

With Laughing Boy's right hand on his shoulder Ghed set out. They advanced rapidly out onto the grasslands to avoid ensnaring roots or divots and began to pick up pace. Ghed's eyes moved quickly across the terrain while Laughing Boy opened a shared window to the Accord. Information about the scream streamed in.

A distress continues to be issued from a short distance ahead Aspirant. Some Feeders are nearby and approaching to assist the individual. The Accord is being searched to find the identity of the individual who issues the distress, and we assume the audible.

Ghed increased his fast walk to a jog, and began to move towards the river in a direction indicated by Laughing Boy.

What do I do when we get to the place? An increasingly alarmed Ghed asked.

Ensure you do see everything Aspirant. It must be issued into the Accord, and if there is danger, follow my commands.

Ghed's eyes continued to scan the ground ahead quickly, his feet seeking firm ground. When he reached the edge of the copse Laughing Boy instructed him to slow slightly, and he dropped to a cautious walk. Laughing Boy dropped his hand from Ghed's shoulder and stepped past him. Ghed watched his robes gently advancing into the woods, and tried to look at both the branches overhead and the ground on which Laughing Boy stepped. He followed hesitantly, concentrating on the movement, struggling to also pict the scene into the Accord.

Ghed's eyes flicked right when a rustling began on the other side of the river. Branches were being pushed aside as a being charged through the undergrowth. A large, lumbering figure emerged into a clearing and paused, it looked towards them.

A Feeder, Aspirant.

The Feeder was tall, perhaps a head higher than Ghed, but shorter than Laughing Boy. It wore rough-hewn coverings, and large, solid, muddy footwear. Any exposed skin was coarse and blackened. It pointed with long muscular arms to a point ahead along the river, and began to advance at pace. It was carrying a long curved blade on a pole.

Quickly Aspirant, only focus on the ground ahead. We must reach the site before the Feeder, they are known to anger too easily, thereby endangering themselves.

The Feeder stopped, and pointed again. A short distance ahead in the gloom, bundled beneath a tree on their side of the river, Ghed could just make out the shape of a individual lying prostrate. It's torso seemed ripped and shredded, a large pool of blood gradually sinking into the damp earth of the riverbank. One limp arm was raised towards the canopy, clutched by what appeared to be a clawed hand.

The Feeder lurched ahead towards the scene. But halted before it reached the water, staring at Laughing Boy. It raised and shook the polearm violently, and looked to Ghed, as if seeking support. Laughing Boy raised a open hand to the Feeder, then reached slowly beneath his robes to his thigh.

You must not close your eyes Aspirant. Between your vision, and that of the Feeder, I must see what transpires. Follow behind me, watch the ground, and watch this beast carefully, closely.

From beneath his robes Laughing Boy drew a blade, long, cruel, glistening. It's edge was nicked and the handle dirtied. He advanced quickly.

The figure above the bleeding and gored individual looked up. Flesh from the arm of the individual hung from it's jaws, a bloodied mass. It's eyes widened when it saw the Feeder in the river, making it stand bolt upright from it's crouch over the victim. It turned and saw Laughing Boy advancing, threw back it's arms, and looked prepared to open it's mouth and scream.

Laughing Boy leapt forward, blade in hand, Ghed following a short distance behind. Laughing Boy sprang into the air, drawing the blade backwards, and swung, striking the figure in the neck.